About Our Styles
About Ateru Goju-Ryu Karate-Jutsu and its founder

Hanshi Cullen’s Goju Lineage: Training with Hanshi Cullen places you with an instructor who is only TWO instructors away from Goju's founder Chojun Miyagi.
Chojun Miyagi - Gogen Yamaguchi - N. Gosei Yamaguchi \
---Kevin. Huunjin Cullen
Seigo Tada ------------ Motoo Yamakura /
The Academy of Martial Arts Studies is the Hombu dojo of Hanshi Kevin Cullen. The ONLY instructor in the world teaching the renowned 5 Hands Systems the SOFT KUNG FU aspect of his Ateru Goju Ryu Karate Jutsu (AGKJ). In fact it's the 5 Hands that makes AGKJ a legitimate and unique form of Goju and is therefore recognized by the World Head of Family organization as well as 7 other international councils. in other words, anybody with a karate uniform can call them self a Soke by slapping their last name on a ryu ha or system, but until they and their style are actually recognized by a legitimate accreditation board like WHOF, it isn't worth the paper it's printed on. In fact, many such "Grandmasters" claim to hold PhD's in Asian Studies or Doctorates of the Martial Arts where in fact 99% of them have never taken a single class, written a doctoral thesis or even were interviewed by a doctoral review board.(Please note: it is a federal offense to impersonate a PhD) We mention these things in an effort to educate those who are new to the martial arts to take good care and remember the age old adage: "Let the buyer beware".
The art is called Goju Karate. Goju-Ryu was the first karate taught as a system in Okinawa. Its founder, Chojun Miyagi, is also responsible for creating the name Karate. – Due to it's original Chinese roots of Goju, the word Karate originally meant China Hand not open hand. Many years later, the Japanese decided to re-name it to Open Hand – using a same sounding Kanji (Chinese Character) that meant Open instead of China. Goju is infamous for its aggressive techniques and beautiful katas. These are attributed to the base elements that make up Goju: Shaolin Chuan-Fa Kung Fu, Pa Kua Kung Fu and Okinawan Te.
The Academy’s Chief Instructor, Hanshi Kevin Huunjin Cullen, believes in combining the strength of Okinawan Goju with the beauty of Japanese Goju while infusing genuine Chinese soft hand techniques " 5 hands System" which represent the JU of Ateru Goju Ryu Karate Jutsu. Goju Ryu is the oldest and most traditional of all forms of karate. Candidates for training should consider the serious nature of training necessary to walk the path of Ateru Goju . All students age 3 and older are welcome to join us on this lifelong quest.So call 419-422-9262. or Email: Hanshicullen@gmail.com to sign up now For our 2 Month Try and Train Package For our 2 Month Try and Train Package... train for 2 months for just $170 PLUS RECEIVE A FREE $50 Uniform just for giving us a try. If you love it, then you won't have to buy a uniform because we already gave you one! Simple is better... Join the Academy Now ~

Karate KIDS: The kid’s version is a belted system that takes the young student from the basic building blocks of the above listed disciplines all the way through to Jr. Black Belt Competency. Students will perform in the following areas: katas/forms, standing and moving basics, sparring, tournament competition and belt testing. Although we allow those students who wish to pursue breaking to do so, we do not require board breaking as it has little to do with traditional Goju. So call 419-422-9262. or Email: Hanshicullen@gmail.com to sign up now For our 2 Month Try and Train Package For our 2 Month Try and Train Package... train for 2 months for just $170 PLUS RECEIVE A FREE $50 Uniform just for giving us a try. If you love it, then you won't have to buy a uniform because we already gave you one! Simple is better... Join the Academy Now ~
Tiny Tigers: The pre-school program builds confidence, self control, focus, memory, cardio while teaching them basic karate moves that they can utilize when they move up to karate kids program. There are no tests in tigers class but new belts are awarded for time in and dedication. Students are rewarded at the end of their class with a treat and stickers. Teaching style is encouraging and uplifting in a family style environment. COME LET US TAME YOUR TIGERS! So call 419-422-9262. or Email: Hanshicullen@gmail.com to sign up now For our 2 Month Try and Train Package... train for 2 months for just $170 PLUS RECEIVE A FREE $50 Uniform just for giving us a try. If you love it, then you won't have to buy a uniform because we already gave you one! Simple is better... Join the Academy Now ~